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39 | DET/CHE 2024
39 | DET/CHE 2024
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Lisa Beach
Santa Rosa Junior College
Director of Distance Education
Santa Rosa
About me
Creating online programs that best serve all students.
, December 3
1:00pm PST
CSU DAT and CVC/DECO systems
San Carlos (Marriott)
5:00pm PST
Keynote: Leading the Future: Navigating Emerging Technologies in California Higher Education
Steinbeck Ballroom
Marina Aminy • James Frazee • Erfan Mojaddam • Michael Rouan • Hussam Kashou
6:15pm PST
Welcome Reception (small bites)
Ferrantes Bay View Room (Marriott)
, December 4
7:30am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
8:30am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
8:50am PST
Project Management Techniques for Drivers in Educational Technology
Steinbeck Ballroom
Jennifer Kienzle
9:10am PST
Adopting a New Student Feedback System: Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead
Steinbeck Ballroom
Dr. Lindsay Vance • Ed Legaspi
9:30am PST
Competency-Based Education: A Focus on Technology
Steinbeck Ballroom
Bob Nash
10:00am PST
Leadership Lessons: Perspectives from the DET/CHE Leadership Community
Steinbeck Ballroom
Kenji Ikemoto • Laura Rantala • Luz Española • Ying Liu
10:30am PST
Sponsor Expo
Steinbeck Ballroom
10:40am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
10:50am PST
Show me the Data!: Creating a dashboard to demonstrate quality assurance initiative’s impact on student learning
Steinbeck Ballroom
Dr. Roger Wen
11:00am PST
Supporting AI Education for All: A Budget-Friendly, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Approach
Steinbeck Ballroom
Shelli Wynants
11:10am PST
Unlocking Student Engagement: The Power of Frictionless Participation
Steinbeck Ballroom
John Ittelson • Lux Narayan
11:20am PST
From WTF?! to WCAG: Captions in Higher Education
Steinbeck Ballroom
Deanna Roussin • Galen Davis
11:30am PST
A Model for Instructional Designers Collaborating with Faculty: The Collaborative Mapping Model
Steinbeck Ballroom
Gustavo Campos
11:40am PST
Merging Academic Support Departments: Process, Reasons, and Best Practices
Steinbeck Ballroom
Jennifer Redd • Anthony Bolaños • Klaus Trilck
12:00pm PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
1:20pm PST
Innovate, Integrate, Educate: Effective Change Management for Faculty
Steinbeck Ballroom
Carrie Consalvi
1:40pm PST
Bridging the Digital Divide: Establishing the Equitable AI Alliance through Longitudinal Data Collection and Analysis
Steinbeck Ballroom
James Frazee • Dr. Sean Hauze • Elisa Sobo • David Goldberg
2:00pm PST
The Grand Challenge: Overcoming the Calculus Barrier to STEM Success In all Systems of Higher Education
Steinbeck Ballroom
Henry Burnett • Ellen Osmundson • Alan Roper • Frank Bauerle
2:30pm PST
Sponsor Expo
Steinbeck Ballroom
2:40pm PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
2:50pm PST
The Next GenAI Training for Faculty in Higher EdThe Next GenAI Training for Faculty in Higher Ed
Steinbeck Ballroom
Jeff McCall • Laura Otero
3:00pm PST
Driving Equity and Student Success through Instructional Design
Steinbeck Ballroom
Cheryl Chapman • Janet Williams
3:10pm PST
BOTS: Impact & Implications on Higher Ed. Institutions, Enrollment Management, Online Education, and Faculty/Student Success
Steinbeck Ballroom
Hussam Kashou
3:30pm PST
Cloudy with a Chance of Snowballs: Scaling Humanized Online Teaching
Steinbeck Ballroom
Bryan Berrett • Ali Olson-Pacheco • Michelle Pacansky-Brock • Michelle Macfarlane
4:00pm PST
Sponsor Expo
Steinbeck Ballroom
4:15pm PST
Sponsor Visits (Free time to visit our sponsors & network)
Steinbeck Ballroom
Women of DETCHE 2024 Mentorship Program Closing Event
Los Angeles Room (Marriott)
, December 5
7:30am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
8:30am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
8:50am PST
California State University & Digital Badging: A Multifaceted View
Steinbeck Ballroom
Anissa Barton-Thompson • Marla Gunasegaram
9:10am PST
Adventures in RSI: Tracing the regular and substantive interaction in online courses
Steinbeck Ballroom
Michelle Newhart
9:30am PST
Empowering Change and Strategic Leadership in the Age of AI: A Blueprint for Faculty Development in Higher Education
Steinbeck Ballroom
Matt Larcin
9:40am PST
Revolutionizing Note-Taking with Generative AI: Google NotebookLM and Tana App
Steinbeck Ballroom
Liesl Bowswell • Dr. Eric Wilson
10:00am PST
Building a Community of Female EdTech Leaders: Insights from the Inaugural Women of DETCHE Mentorship Program
Steinbeck Ballroom
Luz Española • Marina Aminy • Ying Liu • Susan Zolezzi • Lisa Leiva
10:30am PST
Sponsor Expo
Steinbeck Ballroom
10:40am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
10:50am PST
Leveraging Institutional Data Dashboards: A 200-Faculty Exploration of Equity-Minded Pedagogy
Steinbeck Ballroom
11:10am PST
Revolutionizing Education: Unleashing the Power of Custom Chatbots with PlayLab AI and OER!
Steinbeck Ballroom
Fabiola Torres
11:30am PST
The OEXR Library: A Collaborative Approach to Extended Reality in Education
Steinbeck Ballroom
Dr. Leslie Kennedy • James Frazee • Dr. Sean Hauze
12:00pm PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
1:15pm PST
CSUMB Tour: Line up for bus
Marriott Front Entrance
2:00pm PST
3:30pm PST
CSUMB Tour: Line up for bus (Return to Marriott)
4:45pm PST
Pre-Banquet Reception
Steinbeck Ballroom
, December 6
7:30am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
8:30am PST
Steinbeck Ballroom
8:50am PST
DataHub: Introduction to Scalable JupyterHub Infrastructure at UC Berkeley and the Ongoing Accessibility Efforts to Make it Inclusive
Steinbeck Ballroom
Balaji Alwar
9:10am PST
A Practical Guide for Enhanced Classroom Experiences
Steinbeck Ballroom
John Ittelson • John Duhring
9:30am PST
Empowering Faculty to Drive Technology Innovation in Learning & Digital Spaces
Steinbeck Ballroom
Adaline Tatum
9:50am PST
DET/CHE Member Meeting & Raffles
Steinbeck Ballroom
10:30am PST
Unconference Sessions
Steinbeck Ballroom
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