About me
Ying Liu is a biology professor at City College of San Francisco (CCSF) and UC Berkeley Extension. In her former role of Distance Education (DE) coordinator and Peer Online Course Review (POCR) lead at CCSF, Ying developed a passion for educational technology. Ying is also involved with the Open Educational Resources (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) movement, and is dedicated to combining OER and instructional technology to improve pedagogy and serve students. In the 2024-25 academic year, Ying is a visiting scholar at the University of Dundee in Scotland working on her sabbatical projects. She is involved in a university-wide Distance Learning survey to map out the DL courses/degrees and identify potential markets for the University of Dundee. Her biology degrees include a Ph.D. from UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, and a M.S. from University of South Carolina.